Professor Felicity Gerry KC


International King's Counsel, London and Melbourne.
Professor of Legal Practice.


Felicity was recognised as one of the top 5 international lawyers you want on your side by Law and Crime Productions.

Dr Felicity Gerry KC is an international barrister at Libertas Chambers London and Crockett Chambers, Melbourne and Professor of Legal Practice at Deakin University 

Labelled “The International Dynamo”, Felicity has been recognised for her work across jurisdictions on career defining cases including in the UK Supreme Court on #jointenterprise law, the Australian High Court on rights to second appeal, a due diligence memorandum on investment listing on SGX for Justice for Myanmar, which led to the $82m divestment of the Golden City scheme and for her role in saving a trafficked woman from death row in Indonesia. She is leading the legal petition for Christine Keeler to receive a posthumous pardon after the fallout of one of Britain’s biggest ever political scandal, The Profumo Affair, in the 1960s. Her successful petition for mercy for Zak Grieve, a young Indigenous man in Australia, has been described as “rock star lawyering”.

Admitted in the International Criminal Court (ICC) & Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC) in The Hague, in England & Wales and Australia (Victoria & High Court Roll) and has had ad hoc admission in Hong Kong and Gibraltar.

Currently defending at the ICC on the Al Hassan team and has led for the defence in major terrorism and homicide trials.

Felicity holds a PhD on human trafficking and is regularly called upon to handle complex and sensitive matters at trial and on appeal. She has appeared on all major news channels and is an expert on issues relating to women and law, technology and law and reform of justice systems. She is currently Senior Anti-Human Trafficking Expert Consultant and Trainer for Lawyers Without Borders.