Fabulous 2 hours with @smhulley & @tarayou72679746 presenting research on silence and “joint enterprise”. My take away – reframe investigations & trials, reform charging policy & repeal adverse inference provisions! https://t.co/CuT4ThF7AA
— Professor Felicity Gerry QC (@felicitygerry) September 23, 2021
Next Thursday’s @LibertasChambe3 webinar with @smhulley & @tarayou72679746 on their study that concludes that the criminal justice system in E&W must reverse legal rules regarding silence & reform the law on secondary liability to reduce legal risks of talking…sign up below!! https://t.co/A5vu7uTULt
— Professor Felicity Gerry QC (@felicitygerry) September 17, 2021
Our next webinar is just over a week away. 'Silence, Joint Enterprise, & the Legal Trap' will highlight the role of the law & its agents, in generating silence among young suspects.
Register today https://t.co/7oG2XTZd7l#law #solicitors #barristers #jointenterprise #lawyers pic.twitter.com/SeOTLNJePi
— LibertasChambers (@LibertasChambe3) September 13, 2021
Really looking forward to this – Silence #jointenterprise and the legal trap – the role of the law, and its agents, in generating silence among young suspects – with @smhulley and @tarayou72679746 on 23 September 6pm London time – register free here https://t.co/BoG9s8iLP6 pic.twitter.com/2R7mUG10DU
— Professor Felicity Gerry QC (@felicitygerry) September 10, 2021
To hear why …The system must reverse the legal rules regarding silence and reform the law on secondary liability to reduce the legal risks of talking…sign up for our @LibertasChambe3 webinar on Thursday with @smhulley & @tarayou72679746 https://t.co/A5vu7uTULt
— Professor Felicity Gerry QC (@felicitygerry) September 20, 2021
This Thursday (23rd) at 6pm, @tarayou72679746 and I will be talking about why young people remain silent when implicated in investigations into serious violence involving multiple people and the implications for young Black and Mixed race men in particular. https://t.co/be3Q6auBOi
— Susie Hulley (@smhulley) September 20, 2021